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レッスンレポート(Part13 レギュラークラス New Orleans, Louisiana Holiday: Live Entertainment, History and Authentic )


ニューオーリンズに行かれる受講生の方がいらっしゃいましたので、久しぶりにアメリカの動画を使いました。インストラクターはアメリカ人が多いので、アメリカの話は彼らにはしやすいですね。 なお、この教室のインストラクターでニューオーリンズに旅行に行った際に盗難にあったことがあるようですので、ご旅行の際はくれぐれもお気をつけください!


あと、Trevorのレッスンは英会話初心者の方でも、タイピングが早いためリスニングができなくても、スクリーンの彼のメモ書きを見ればすごく理解はしやすいのですが、初心者の方が70分のレッスンを全て英語で受けると理解できなかった部分も出て来ますので、レッスンの終了後に日本人のスタッフが少しレッスンの内容を日本語で解説しています(今のところ月曜日が初級の方が多いので月曜日のみですが)。 おそらく最初のうちは手助けになることが多いと思いますが、基本的にはネイティブから全て習うのが一番いいかなとも思います。



Warm Up

🔊 Have you ever been to New Orleans before?

🔊 What do you know about New Orleans?

🔊 Have you travelled to other places in America before? Where did you go and what did you do?


🔊 Before the video: Teachers will read the following questions aloud, please prepare for listening!

🔊 After the video: Did you get it? If not, please tell your teacher specifically which part you didn’t understand. Let’s review the video again 🙂

🔊 What is New Orleans famous for inventing?

🔊 What can you see on Royal Street?

Key Words & Phrases

🔊 Do you understand the following Key Words & Phrases? Your teacher will select Key Words & Phrases and ask you about their meanings.

🔊 If you don’t understand, your teacher can explain them. Afterwards, try to use the Key Words & Phrases to make a sentence!

🔊 00:46 the restaurants here serve some of the most sophisticated cocktails I’ve ever seen.🔊 00:51 One particular venue that locals and visitors rave about is Sobou,

🔊 where they offer world-class dining along with inventive cocktails and an extensive wine menu.

🔊 01:08 For more top notch dining you should take a trip down Royal Street,

🔊 where you can find tasty Creole and Cajun dishes among the endless choices

🔊 01:23 antiques shops and exquisite hand-crafted goods are on full view for your pleasure and purchase.

🔊 And, night time in New Orleans is always bursting with energy

🔊 02:21 An evening spent on Frenchmen Street should definitely be on the itinerary for anyone looking for a fabulous night of live music.


🔊 What stood out to you the most in the video?

🔊 If you had one day in New Orleans, what would you put on your itinerary?

🔊 Do you enjoy lively and loud areas or quiet and relaxing areas?


🔊 You will be a customer and trying to order something you’d like! Your teacher will be a waiter, staff, worker and so on to take your order🙂


New Or-leans (leeeeens)

New Orlans (lens)

What is famous is New Orleans?

-Jazz music Beach

-Marti gras

-Parade, similar to car-ni-val

-it is a city in Louisiana

-Voodoo Donuts (the original shop)

-Voodoo (magic) - dark magic

-New Orleans is known for voodoo.


-Crawfish boil

-Beneigh (ben-yeh)like a donut with powder sugar

What is New Orleans famous for inventing?

Invent = to create (for the first time), original creation

New Orleans is famous for inventing drinks like the ‘Hurricane’

Hurricane drink = rum (alcohol made from sugarcane), fruit juice, grenadine (pomegranate = pom-ah-gran-it)

Many hurricanes go through New Orleans

Hurricane = Typhoon = Cyclone

What can you do on Royal Street?

Top-notch dining

Top-notch = highest quality, very very good

Dining = eating in a restaurant

Street performers and musicians

Performer = someone who performs (anything)

Musician = someone who plays music

Art galleries, antique shops, hand-crafted goods

Antique = very old itemHand-crafted = handmade, (Hand-crafted is a nicer/prettier word) Craft = anything handmade, artistic the restaurants here serve some of the most sophisticated cocktails I’ve ever seen.

Sophisticated = fancy, clean, smart(intelligent), high-society , something adult/grown-up Fancy/complexComplex (nicer word) = complicated (opposite of simple)

Lots of layers, lots to experience

One particular venue that locals and visitors rave about is Sobou, where they offer world-class dining along with inventive cocktails and an extensive wine menu.

Particular = specific, (out of everything, just one) Venue = place

Rave (noun)= club party (party in a club)

Rave (verb) = really excited, love

Serve = offer, provide, to have

World-class = competes for the top in the world (top-notch in the world)

Compete = trying to win, trying to be number 1 Inventive (adjective) = very new, original Extensive = wide, large, lots of, long

An extensive explanation

A long explanation to extend = to make longerI will extend the deadlineI will make the deadline later

Extension (noun) = something that is made longer

I got an extension on the deadline

My deadline is later Cajun and Creole are two different types of cooking in the south of the United Stated

America = USA = the United States (of America)

They both use different spices Endless choices

Endless = no end, many many many many

~less = no

There is no end to the choices

Exquisite (formal) = very beautiful, very nice to look at, fancy, high-society

This tastes exquisite = this tastes very nice, fancy, wonderful

Usually used with something fancy or expensive

Burst = explode, pop, filled past the maximum(max) so it pops

Bursting with energy = filled so much with energy, it is exploding, going everywhere Definitely = must

If you had one day in New Orleans, what would you put on your itinerary?

What bus stop number I should walk to

Get on the bus at stop number #

How to get there, give me directions

How many stops or what stop I should get off at1.

Ride for # stops, and get off at stop number #

Use for short rides, not so many stops2.

Get of at stop number #

Use only for long rides, many stops





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