NPSとは、Wikipediaからの引用では「フレッド・ライクヘルド(英語版)が提唱した、顧客ロイヤルティ、顧客の継続利用意向を知るための指標。「顧客推奨度」や「正味推奨者比率」と訳される場合もある」。顧客の分類については「10 - 9推奨者(Promoter) ロイヤルティが高い熱心な顧客。自らが継続購入客であるだけでなく、他者へサービスを勧める『推奨』の役割も担う。8 - 7中立者(Passive) 満足はしているが、それ程熱狂的ではなく、競合他社になびきやすい。6 - 0批判者(Detractor) 劣悪な関係を強いられた不満客。放置しておくと悪評を広める恐れがある。」とのことです。
ビジネスクラスは色々な業種の方が参加されていますので、金融やIT、ヘルスなどの特定の分野もピックアップはしますが、できるだけ業種に関わらず役立つレッスンにしたいとも思っています。このクラスの担当はオーストラリアのSeanがメインです。日本でも本音と建前がありますが、それと似た感じでPassive agressiveの話は興味深いですね。
Introducing the Net Promoter System®
Warm Up
🔊 What are your responsibilities in your role/position?
🔊 Do you or anybody you know run their own business?
🔊 Before the video: Teachers will read the following questions aloud, please prepare for listening!🔊 After the video: Did you get it? If not, please tell your teacher specifically which part you didn’t understand. Let’s review the video again 🙂
🔊 What have companies struggled for a long time to do?
🔊 What is the one simple question the Net Promoter Score is based on?
🔊 If someone scores a 7-8 on the Net Promoter Score what are they called?
Key Words & Phrases🔊 Do you understand the following Key Words & Phrases? Your teacher will select Key Words & Phrases and ask you about their meanings.
🔊 If you don’t understand, your teacher can explain them. Afterwards, try to use the Key Words & Phrases to make a sentence!
🔊 00:04 earning the loyalty of your customers🔊 00:16 however to focus resources🔊 00:21 because they’ve lacked a reliable way🔊 00:26 in 2003 we introduced a metric🔊 00:36 economic behavior🔊 00:42 because it’s radically simple🔊 00:46 how likely would you be to recommend our products or services🔊 00:57 nines and tens are promoters🔊 01:04 the zeroes through sixes are detractors🔊 01:09 the sevens and eights are passives🔊 01:14 really go out on a limb🔊 01:38 subset of companies🔊 01:49 it enabled fast action🔊 01:57 feedback directly to the people🔊 02:14 closed loop feedback🔊 02:17it requires an orientation towards learning and experimentation🔊 02:40 Drives Change
🔊 Let’s discuss brands that we are loyal too, consciously and unconsciously…
🔊 -Have you ever recommended a certain company to someone?
🔊 -Have you ever been compensated or rewarded by a company for bringing new customers?
🔊 For some services and products companies have a monopoly, buying their product often is not always a sign of loyalty, discuss…
🔊 Let’s discuss some incidences where a company has lost your loyalty and why.
🔊 Pitching = Ideas before production for sale
🔊 Reliable = trustworthy, you can understand and predict what they will do
🔊 Economic Behaviour = Ways in which people spend their money can show you what kind of person they are
🔊 Maybe = not sure
🔊 Definitely = you are very sure
🔊 Detractor = takes Away
🔊 “Passive Aggressive” = aggression disguised as being nice
🔊 “Go out on a limb” = take a risk
🔊 Orientation = finding direction, directing yourself towards something